문화 혁신 콘솔

문화 혁신 [부족] -군사 언덕 성채 discover_innovation innovation_motte 투석기 discover_innovation innovation_catapult 병영 discover_innovation innovation_barracks 연병장 discover_innovation innovation_mustering_grounds 금령 discover_innovation innovation_bannus 누비 갑옷 discover_innovation innovation_quilted_armor -사회 공공사업 discover_innovation innovation_development_01 화폐 discover_innovation innovation_currency_01 균분법 discover_innovation innovation_gavelkind 윤작 discover_innovation innovation_crop_rotation 도시 계획 discover_innovation innovation_city_planning 전쟁 명분 discover_innovation innovation_casus_belli 영민 총회 discover_innovation innovation_plenary_assemblies 장부 discover_innovation innovation_ledger -문화 및 지역…

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Inventory Overview

Inventory setting (Mage)

Slot Item a Throwing axe (10) b Acorn (201) c Fate’s blade d Fragile Orb of World Shout e Meat scrap (200) f Fragile Orb of Ripple g Fragile Orb of Volcanic Blast h Herb pipe i Fragile Orb of Sul Slash j Fragile Orb of Suppress k Scroll of protection (6) l Scroll of…

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Chronomantic I-Ching

The Chronomantic I-Ching is a lesser known method of casting the I-Ching without need of Coins or Yarrow Stalks. With this method of casting, one only needs to know the current time. The downside is that you can only use this method of casting once every Nexus hour ((IRL 7 minutes 30 seconds)) but the…

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